
Thursday, August 18, 2011

CANADIAN : Maple walnut Ice Cream

Ingredients :

* 1 cup pure maple syrup
* 3 egg yolks
* 2 cups light cream
* 3/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
* 1 tbsp. maple liquor or dash of maple extract

Directions :

In deep heavy saucepan, bring maple syrup to boil and cook over medium-high heat, without stirring,
until syrup reaches soft-ball stage (234F on candy thermometer), about 10 minutes. In large bowl
and using electric mixer, beat egg yolks; gradually pour in hot syrup, beating constantly at medium
speed. Increase speed to high and beat for 5 to 10 minutes longer or until mixture is cool
and thickened. Blend in cream, walnuts and maple liqueur (if using). Cover and regrigerate until
thoroughly chilled. Freeze in ice-cream maker following manufacturer's instructions. Makes about 4 cups.
Cooking pure maple syrup to soft-ball stage concentrates its woodsy rich flavour.

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