
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

BRAZILLIAN RECIPE; Delicious Capirinha


* 3 limes
* 1/2 cup sugar
* 1 1/2 quarts ice cubes
* 1 cup cachaca or 1 cup rum or 1 cup vodka
* lime slices (optional) or sugarcane swizzle stick


Cut each lime in half crosswise, then cut each half into 8 pieces. Place 12 pieces
of lime in each of four double old-fashioned glasses (or other 12-oz. glasses).
Sprinkle 2 T. sugar into each glass.Using muddler (or the butt end of a large wooden
spoon), mash limes into bottom of glass until sugar is dissolved, stirring occasionally.
Fill each glass with 1-1/2 cups ice and 1/4 cup cachaca.One glass at a time, transfer
contents of glass to cocktail shaker; invert glass over shaker to act as lie.
Shake glass and shaker together to combine sugar and cachaca, shaking until well
chilled. Lift glass from shaker and pour contents back into glass. Repeat process
with remaining three glasses.

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